Batman Arkham Origins Burnley Glitch Fix

#6 Batman: Arkham Origins Controller Fix If you are changing controls using the config file (BMEngine.ini), make sure you mark it as read-only otherwise, the changes will reset on restarting the game.

The venting shaft Use the claw now, to rip off the venting shaft grate below the ceiling. After you succeed, use the hook to grab onto the shaft and follow the venting shaft. NOTE- If Batman does not want to climb into the shat, this means that you have fallen victim to one of the more serious glitches in the game. In such a situation, try installing the most recent patch or find out, e.g. On the You Tube, about a smart way to take advantage of another glitch in the game (Batman Arkham Origins Burnley glitch fix), thanks to which the Batman will land on the rooftop and will be able to activate the comms tower.

Batman Arkham Origins Burnley Glitch Fix

WB Games is aware of the issues many players have been experiencing since launch and the developers have been working 'around the clock' to get them fixed, according to an official statement. In a post on the game's, WB reassured fans that their posts about bugs have not gone unnoticed: 'We know that some of you have experienced frustration when posting on these forums, thinking your posts get lost or ignored and that no one from the team reads them. We can promise you that your posts are being read.

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We hear your frustration, we understand it, and we are here to find solutions to your issues by gathering the info you provide us, and relaying it to the dev team.' Three issues in particular, which affect all of the game's platforms, will be addressed first. They are described as follows: 'infinite falling/falling out of world,' 'unable to continue story,' and 'FreeFlow Focus mode not unlocking upon reaching Shadow Vigilante rank 3.' WB says it expects a patch to be available 'within the next week' resolving these issues. It's noted that a PC fix is already out for these problems and one where some players were unable to make it through the vent in the Burnley tower. These are not the only problems WB is in the process of dealing with. Corrupted saves in the Xbox 360 version have not yet been resolved, but WB says it thinks it knows what the problem is and that it only needs 'a few more days to validate before pushing a patch through.'

The same is also true of crashing and freezing in the Xbox 360 version. In the meantime, it's noted that some players have resolved the latter issue by disconnecting from the Internet while playing. The statement closed out with an apology: 'We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you all for your patience as we work to resolve the issues.' Arkham Origins was released on October 25. Since then, reports of a wide variety of issues on all platforms have been rampant. For thoughts on the game when it is working, check out.