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What is a Pledge Crest? A pledge crest is an icon/sign/mark that appears near to your name like in the example below: In order to set a crest, your pledge must be at least level 3. How to set a crest for your pledge: If your pledge is at least level 3, you will need to copy your emblem to a directory in your [for example C: ] and then log into the game. Push ALT+C once in game to bring up the clan panel, and click Set Crest.

LINEAGE ][TYPHOON. If you want to create your own emblem create a 16x12 pixels grafic with a graphic editor and save it as a 256 color *.bmp file. Stih pro rodinu na kazahskom yazike 4 strochki 17.

It will ask you where it's stored, type in the directory [for example C: crest.bmp] and click set. You should have a clan crest near your name and near your clan member's names.

Emblemi Dlya Klana Lineage 2 Bmp 256 Cvetov 16x12

Note: If you want to create your own emblem create a 16x12 pixels grafic with a graphic editor and save it as a 256 color *.bmp file.