Futaba Pulscale Dro Manuals

Do they give false readings or does the display actually display an error message? If they are glass scales which I assume your Fagor has this is a common problem. Although it doesn't happen very often as in periodically many people do run into this.

Most of the time it's cause by dirty scales. You use a cotton swap & denatured alcohol (isopropyl will work too, higher the% the better) to swap the glass scales clean bh reaching through the seals. Try not to blow air as it may damage the read head if there's a lot of chips inside & will only blow oils/coolant around. Some scales can be disassembled if they are real dirty & you need to clean the read head too. OK, I have to apologize because I got my scale issues mixed up. The one I said was not responding or error alarming was for the one on the Victor 1640 I am also trying to revive.

I have a Futaba Pulscale CJ DRO. It has no manual and some of the button faces are missing. I'm trying to find someone with a manual, or at least a picture of the face that's clear enough to read the buttons, or even someone that uses one.

So lets begin again. This one just did not respond. I pulled the scale off the Bridgeport X axis and as soon as I began to do so I knew it was going to be bad. Some one has let the table over travel and smashed her up.

The scale is at least 36-inched long. I sat the thing centered on top of the table and could tell they failed to set the auto and hard travel stops so the scale would survive. Driver strong srt 100 usb

As soon as I tried to back out the mounting screw and seen it was elliptical in behavior I lost my hopes of this just being a cleanup. It pulled the wireds out of the sensor! Here is the pic. The screws on both ends looked the same. I didn't get the other one in the pic. What can I pick up a scale for.

Futaba Pulscale Dro Manuals

Are there refurbs? Never heard of refurbished scales & it may not be worth sending to Fagor for repair if they did offer the service.

Where the wires got ripped off, is it covered with epoxy? Any possibility in soldering the wires back? If not, what kind of connector does your scale have? The most common is the D-Sub 9 (looks like a VGA connector). You could buy a replacement, doesn't have to be Fagor as I'm assuming a Fagor scale is pretty expensive.

Best bet is to contact DROPros to get a replacement scale. They sell Fagors so they should know exactly what will work for a replacement. An Easson scale scale should work. To prevent future crashes, your scales should be an inch or 2 (travel not OAL) longer then the max travel of your axis. It would be best to get the correct size scale now that you have to get a replacement.

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Ask them about this & they should be able to take care of you. They are located in the US & their customer service is excellent.

If you're on a budget, you can order a replacement scale cheaper from China but you will pretty much have to do all the research yourself in what scale & size to get that is compatible. Thanks, I was just wondering about refurbs. You never know eh? I have visited DroPros. Looks like a good vendor. On the other end of the spectrum I stumbled into CDCO Machinery Corp.

Everything there is frighteningly cheap. We will have to see how enthused I can get the boss.

They kind of let the shop go to waste (former CEO slaughtered the place) and I have already demonstrated the value added by making repairs fopr them using the shop as is. It looks like to get a longer scale I'll have to drill and tap holes in the table. How hard is the metal? Meanwhile for all my DRO 'must have' needs, I use the below SuperMax that has a working DRO but no auto x axis. The DRO is an OLD Futuba and the readout is dim but it works. I see there is a Ground terminal at the rear unused. Do you think this may be why the display is so dim?