Microsoft Update Error Code 80070bc9 Windows

Windows update error 8007054f

Error code 80070BC9 Windows Update. Hi, i'm running Windows 8 Pro 64-Bit edition on my HP Laptop. Dolzhnostnaya instrukciya pedagoga psihologa v shkole respubliki kazakhstan. Recently, updates have been very slow to search. Windows Update is set to automatically update and it constantly fails to update one important update - Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB976098).

I also had problems with Windows Update having error 80070bc9. Did a lot of searching on the web and found a solution: fsutil resource setautoreset true c: Then in safe mode try to delete these files: C: WINDOWS system32>cd%SystemRoot% System32 SMI Store Machine C: WINDOWS System32 SMI Store Machine>attrib -s -h * C: WINDOWS System32 SMI Store Machine>del *.blf C: WINDOWS System32 SMI Store Machine>del *.regtrans-ms C: WINDOWS system32 SMI Store Machine>cd%SystemRoot% System32 config TxR C: WINDOWS System32 config TxR>attrib -s -h * C: WINDOWS System32 config TxR>del /q * Reboot and it will all work! I hope it helpes you too! This error is usually caused by some 3rd party software that is not allowing the machine to accept the update. You will most likely need to find out what software it is that is causing the issue before the update can be applied to the system. Being that it is only one system, tells me the box may have some additional software or component installed that is causing the havoc. If you do not wish to install the updates in the future, you may hide it.

Click Start, In the search box type 'Windows Update' b. Click on View available updates. Right-click on an item in the list, and choose “Hide update” from the menu. You can use the following that shows how to troubleshoot the problem without having to reinstall the entire OS from scratch. _JoeG Dell- Systems Integration Consultant Twitter: Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the post that helps you, and to click 'Unmark as Answer' if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.


Hi, Please follow the steps as below to register the Windows Update files and remove incorrect Registry values that may exist and check the result. Register the Windows Update files 1). Start and administrative command prompt 2). At the command prompt, type the following commands REGSVR32 WUPS2.DLL /S REGSVR32 WUPS.DLL /S REGSVR32 WUAUENG.DLL /S REGSVR32 WUAPI.DLL /S REGSVR32 WUCLTUX.DLL /S REGSVR32 WUWEBV.DLL /S REGSVR32 JSCRIPT.DLL /S REGSVR32 MSXML3.DLL /S 2.

Remove incorrect Registry values that may exist 1). Click start, in the search box, type regedit 2). In the programs list, click regedit.exe 3). Find and then click on the following registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE COMPONENTS 4). Right click on COMPONENTS 5). Click Export 6). In the File Name bvox, type COMPONENTS 7).