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Maxsea download. This is the DIV with id=p1_out 1. (50 points)The textarea shown to the left is named ta in a form named f1. It contains the top 10,000 passwords in order of frequency of use -- each followed by a comma (except the last one). When the 'Execute p1' button is clicked the javascript function p1 is executed. This function: • has two arrays: • an array named cbytes with 20 elements, initialize the elements of this array to zero. This array will be used to count the number of passwords with length: 0,1,2,3.,18,19 • an array named cnumb with 20 elements, initialize the elements of this array to zero. This array will be used to count the number of passwords with of length: 0,1,2,3.,18,19 that contain ONLY numbers • retrieve the data from the textarea ta.

Object Moved This document may be found here. has registered 1 decade 5 years ago. This website has a #1,140,079 rank in global traffic. It has as an domain extension. This website has a Google PageRank of 3 out of 10.


• split the data from step 2 into an array named a. • for each password: determine its length, add one to the appropriate location in the array cbytes (e.g., if the length of the password is 6 bytes, add 1 to the value of cbytes[6]) • also, for each password: determine whether or not the password is composed of only the digits 0 thru 9. If the password is all digits add one to the value of cnumb for the length of the password (e.g., if the password is 7 bytes long AND contains only digits, add 1 to cnumb[7]) ( Hint: if isNAN( password string) is true, the password contains at least one byte that is NOT a digit; if false the password is composed of digits only). • create a 20 row - three column table ( Do not write the heading as shown in the answer).

This table has 20 rows and 3 columns: • column 1 contains the password length (zero thru 19). • column2 shows the number of passwords with the length shown in column 1. • column 3 shows the number of passwords whose length is shown in column 1 and that has ONLY digits. • place the resulting table in the DIV block with id='p1_out'. Show NO HTML. Show only the javascript for the function p1.